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- ☀ Happy Looooongest Day Of The Year
☀ Happy Looooongest Day Of The Year
🎰Libra Rising - The Fear Is Real...Facebook Currency Is "Coming" soon 💰Facebook has officially announced their currency, crypto geeks already love and hate the idea, this is a great article breaking down what it is (and not) and why it is going to make waves (good and bad) - meanwhile Facebook are moving all employees to fb.com email address to unify brands (brand geeks will laugh as it’s the most pointless exercise). Facebook would be the largest country on the planet, most powerful news outlet, with a truly global currency - is that something you’d want?
(btw this gif has over 145m views, yes 145m)
🤩 Your Five For Friday 🤩
❝Quote that resonated with me this week❞
“There were 80 slides full of prophecies and bubbles. I was confused, and it was a very deterring experience.”
— Hermann Hassenstein, head of marketing planning at Puma
We have all been in those pitches - especially in Marketing
❤️ Marketing / Growth / Advertising ❤️
Nicely played Netflix
ok we promise not to make any more
— Netflix UK & Ireland (@NetflixUK)
7:19 PM • Jun 20, 2019
💵 Business 💵
Is Android at $50m the best Google acquisition of all time? Definitely - there are the other 6 acquisitions included too
Bebo (yes that social network) was acquired by Twitch earlier this week
An Irish lsland wants to be a tech hub, it has under 500 people, fancy going?
I have shared a number of his Aviation Gin videos but here are some great insights why Ryan is all in on Gin and so passionate about marketing
🚀 Product 🚀
Inside the innovation lab / kitchen at Shake Shack - might just be the perfect job
Internet reviews gets bashed, here’s another take on IMDB and it’s problems
Useful tool of the week: Friend of the newsletter and SEO-er Carl Hendy, released a wordpress plugin for PDF views on your site
🎧 Must Listen Of The Week 🎧
The Feb Facebook moderator story was one of the most popular articles of the newsletter to date, Casey Newton released a follow up mid week and it’s brilliant journalism (read the article here)
🤔Final Thought 🤔
Social media has its pros and cons, as someone with almost two decades in marketing it’s been at the forefront of a recent revolution. However for me the cons are really starting to outweigh the pros. You could go onto any highly followed accounts and see thousands of “opinions” voiced (this post from This Morning is a prime example). In the previous must reads newsletter I shared my favourite playlist of CodeCon where the Head of Instagram shared his thoughts of the impact of Instagram and he voiced his disappointment that Selena Gomez (third most followed person on Insta) deleting the app, TLDR this was due to mental health concerns. Instagram is working on making likes less important and visible but are the social networks working hard enough to protect users? Make them less engineered for addiction and provide benefits? I seriously question this.
Happily let me know what you think by commenting, replying to this email, tweeting me or on LinkedIn
Thanks - Danny Denhard (and of course all views are my own)
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